Thyroid Optimization

The thyroid gland, often referred to as the master hormone, plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, including metabolism and body temperature. It’s influence extends to energy levels, body weight, and cognitive function.

Thyroid hormone serves multiple functions such as eliminating cellular waste, promoting fat breakdown, enhancing hair growth on the scalp and eyebrows, and reducing cholesterol levels and body weight. Additionally, it plays a vital role in safeguarding cognitive function, preventing cognitive deterioration.

Unfortunately, it is quite common to encounter individuals with numerous symptoms of thyroid disorders who were previously “tested” and told their results were “normal.” Moreover, some patients were prescribed thyroid medication without finding relief from their symptoms.

However, at our office, we have adopted a comprehensive testing approach that allows us to identify thyroid function issues that often go unnoticed with traditional testing methods. This thorough testing protocol has proven effective in isolating underlying thyroid problems, leading to more accurate diagnoses and appropriate treatments.

At The Aesthetics & Wellness Lab, we treat a broad range of thyroid disorders including:

  • Hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid)

  • Hashimoto’s Disease

Hypothyroidism, the most common thyroid disorder we address, occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce sufficient thyroid hormone or fails to utilize it properly, resulting in symptoms associated with a slow metabolism.

Common symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

  • Weight gain or inability to lose weight

  • Hair loss

  • Fatigue

  • Constipation

  • Dry skin

  • Depression

  • Memory loss or brain fog

Normal Vs. Optimal Thyroid Levels

“Normal” thyroid levels refer to a range that providers consider acceptable for most people based on extensive studies. It’s like a standard guideline that helps identify if your thyroid is functioning within the usual boundaries. If your thyroid levels fall within this range, it’s generally considered okay, and you might not have any noticeable problems related to your thyroid.

However, “optimal” thyroid levels are a bit different. Think of it as a more personalized approach. While the “normal” range works for many people, some individuals feel better and more energetic when their thyroid hormone levels are fine-tuned to specific values. It’s like finding the perfect balance that suits your body and its unique needs. Some people may feel their best when their thyroid levels are slightly different from the standard “normal” range.

To determine “optimal” levels, we consider your individual symptoms, how you feel, and sometimes other factors like your age and overall health. We take a more detailed look at your specific situation, just like a mechanic examines a car carefully to make it run at its absolute best.

Ultimately, the goal is to help you feel your best and improve your quality of life. If you’re experiencing any symptoms like feeling tired, gaining weight, or having trouble concentrating, it’s essential to discuss it with a provider. They can assess your thyroid function, fine-tune your treatment if needed, and help you achieve the optimal thyroid levels that work best for you!